Lets Get Started!
Now that you’ve found your perfect new rental home with Independence Property Management, you’ll want to get everything ready for your impending move. It’s time to make sure your power, water, gas, TV and Internet will be up and running on moving day. We have put together an easy utility set-up guide to help you get started.
Plan Ahead
Setting up utilities can feel like a real chore. Trying to compare prices, packages, and numbers of minutes on a phone can make your head spin. In the weeks approaching your move, you’ll have a lot of other things to take care of, so please start planning your utilities as soon as you can to insure a proper move.
Ask us Questions
Your first step is to get details about which utilities you’ll need to set up accounts for. Some rental properties may include partial or full utilities. You will probably not have the option of choosing certain utility providers, such as your water service. You’ll need to know if your rental home uses gas or electricity. Ask us which utilities have only one choice of providers. Also, your landlord or neighbors may have recommendations on which providers of other utilities offer the best rates.
Based on what utilities are deemed necessary for your property our Hampton Roads utility sheet will guide you in finding a service provider.